Learned lessons Essential

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Learned lessons Essential von Mind Map: Learned lessons Essential

1. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

1.1. World war 1

1.1.1. Technology lead us into war and made it a more advanced one

1.1.2. Made wars more deadly and killed people faster; tanks, chemical warfare

1.1.3. New techniques and strategies

1.2. Atomic bomb

1.2.1. The atomic bomb killed many innocent people in Japan, while it ended war for continuing.

1.3. Trench Warfare

1.3.1. Technology advances very quickly, influencing the style of warfare

1.4. Inverntions of credit

1.4.1. During the 1920;s the intervention of credit had made a big hit in the banks, what most consumers did not know was that every time they used credit, in reality, they were creating more debt. Debt was piling up, Consumers had a deadline to pay off their loans, most of which realized that they couldn't pay off the loans. People started to take out their stocks. Banks offer out many that was not theirs which started The Great Depression

1.5. JFK

1.5.1. JFK used T.V to get people to like and vote for him. Every president since JFK has used media to spread their message. The way you appear on T.V effects the way people think of you.

1.6. Vietnam War

1.6.1. For this war there were two chemicals used by the U.S that were deadly. Napalm, a gas based bomb and Agent Orange, leaf killing toxic chemical. The idea of using these were to kill all the trees since there was a lot of forests and make it easier to see the enemy. This would've been successful if North Vietnam was on the surface but they were ahead of the South and built underground tunnels so they could keep covered.

2. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

2.1. 1920's

2.1.1. Women were able to vote and have more freedoms

2.1.2. Women were not allowed to do traditional men jobs and were often discriminated

2.1.3. Women could go into the work force and be teachers, nurses, etc.

2.2. World War 2

2.2.1. Holocaust when leaders go uncontrolled Hitler will continue to destroy because no one is stopping them

2.2.2. When the government took the Japanese Americans to those camps, we learned we should not punish people due to their race

2.3. Civil Rights movement

2.3.1. African Americas wanted a change in-the way they were treated, so they put together organizations it and got laws put in palace

2.4. MLK

2.4.1. Protest- People today still use the non-violent protests

2.5. Boycotts

2.5.1. They learned by peacefully protesting that they could get buss to desegregate and take a step forward for the C.R movement

2.6. Leaders

2.6.1. Eventhough MLK and Malcolm X are dead, their ideas haven;t gone away

2.7. Black Panthers

2.7.1. If you engage in self-defense the force you take on could take you out if their stronger

3. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

3.1. Prohibition

3.1.1. Increased crime due to gangs; violence

3.1.2. People would smuggle it from other countries and then sell it in underground, hidden places; difficult to stop

3.1.3. Very expensive for the government to regulate the illegal sale of drugs

3.2. The Great Depression

3.2.1. AAA- Fix farming crisis by raising prices; government buys surplus (Recovery)

3.2.2. NIRA- Boost declining industrial prices which tries to fix under consumption and over production (Reform)

3.2.3. FDIC- Program to improve confidence in banks by insuring money on banks up to $2,500 (reform)

3.2.4. Role of government had expanded; provided jobs, told businesses what they could/couldn't do

3.3. World War 2

3.3.1. The dropping of the atomic bomb may have ended WW2. But causalities were high, and the effects afterwards had both positive and negative points

3.4. Economy crashes

3.4.1. Government must get involved to help Americans get back on their feet

3.5. U.S policy of containment

3.5.1. The US did not want the spread of communism so they would get involved with conflicts. They would not tolerate any country trying to help spreading it.

3.6. Red Scare

3.6.1. The government has to make sure the threat they are taking on is real

3.7. The great Society

3.7.1. When the government cuts taxes and creates large social programs, government debt increases.

4. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

4.1. The Great MIgration

4.1.1. Populations of cities increased. Ex. New York had a population of about 5 million

4.1.2. When groups of people migrate they settle in condensed areas which has pro and cons. Similar language, music choices, religion. discrimination, poverty

4.2. World War 2

4.2.1. Holocaust Jewish people were segregated and weren't allowed to leave the country, due to German and other countries restrictions on migrations

5. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

5.1. World war 1

5.1.1. When the U.S was involved in world affairs to a large extent it was hard to stay neutral

5.1.2. Forming allies can drive a country into broader conflicts

5.2. World war 2

5.2.1. After WW1, the world didn't learn its lesson which led to similar causes of WW2. But after WW2, things changed

5.2.2. The atomic bomb, after it went off had not eased tension between soviet union and US. We learned that sacrifice is just as important as battle

5.2.3. The more allies the better

5.3. Communism

5.3.1. If we don;t help to stop communism the country fails and the U.S loses economic trading partners

5.4. Cold war

5.4.1. Stay involved and support our allies

5.5. Treaty of Versailles

5.5.1. The TOV was put in place to punish Germany, but the punishments were too harsh, which allows someone like Hitler to rise to power in desperate times

5.6. Harlem Renaissance

5.6.1. People of all backgrounds were now migrating to the U.S and citizens/ people in the US migrated north. Over population in neighborhoods, ghettos in different cultures in the south combined their histories into jazz music and southern culture was huge

5.7. Allies

5.7.1. More we have, the easier it is to succeed. NATO

5.8. NATO

5.8.1. Stated if one of the countries in this treaty got in a conflict, all the other countries would get involved too; military assistance

5.8.2. Helped stop aggressive actors on world state

5.9. Mashall Plan

5.9.1. The US helped rebuild some parts of Europe because if they were destroyed, communism could spread more easily

5.10. Korean War

5.10.1. In order to stop communism, we had to get involved in war

5.10.2. Just because you think your goal is going just, doesn't mean its going to be easy

5.11. Vietnam War

5.11.1. The United States wanted to contain communism and wanted France as an ally going into Vietnam. During the war, the United States was very close to South Vietnam since that is who they were helping fight. In Vietnam, the U.S had troops prepared to fight and gave good assistance to the Vietnamese. They kept really good relations between these two countries during the war even though they lost. It is important to have relations with other places because winning would have meant the U.S was successful in containment.

6. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

6.1. Technology

6.1.1. Radio's allowed people to communicate over a nation immediately and receive news quickly we get a national culture

6.1.2. Televisions allowed people to be able to enjoy movies in theaters every week

6.1.3. Later we get internet

6.2. World war 1 warfare

6.2.1. Technology advanced so much so quickly, it had a big impact on the style of warfare; no one was ready for it

6.3. World War 2

6.3.1. We learned the media is very influential to the public, and Hitler used it to his advantages

6.4. Red Scare

6.4.1. Due to the wide spread of media, Joseph McCarthy knew about television and he could get the fear factor to scare people; things aren't true just because its said.

6.5. JFK'S Assassination

6.5.1. When the event happened,there were people filming, people saw what happens and since the information was not clear, many rumors spread and people have based theories based on this

6.6. Emmitt Till

6.6.1. He was murdered and his mom had an open casket. Media showed the body therefore the rest of the world could see

6.7. Civil Rights

6.7.1. Media caused movement to become popular and got more people to get involved

7. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

7.1. Great Depression

7.1.1. Hoover- Republican who believed the government should be less involved and the people should support themselves.

7.1.2. FDR- Democrat who thought the government should help the people. Passed the New Deal; his plan when he went into presidency; how he was going to fix the Great Depression.

7.2. World War 2

7.2.1. Leaders that use total war are immoral but very effective

7.3. Civil Rights Movement

7.3.1. Different people stood up for what they believed in and led groups of people to fight for their rights

7.4. JFK

7.4.1. President who led us into the bay of pigs and the Cuban missile crisis. He was assassinated in Dallas

7.5. Vietnam War

7.5.1. President Nixon was in office towards the end of the war. He created a plan; vietnamization, which replaces american troops with South Vietnam ones as quickly as possible. At this point the U.S pulled all their troops out of Vietnam leaving inexperienced ARVN to defend themselves. His plan didn't work however Nixon made it seem like it did. He ended the war by The Paris Peace Agreement which divided Vietnam into North having communism and South being free.

8. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?

8.1. Great Depression

8.1.1. When the New Deal was created to fix the economic problems; it cost a lot of money and government debt increased

8.1.2. Debt increased, savings went to zero, banks close from over production and under consumptiorn

8.1.3. Wealth inequality was too high where the wealthy are too rich and poor is too poor

8.1.4. Prices of stocks inflated higher then it should be but ends up going down later

8.1.5. People were taking out loans to buy stocks: if people don't pay loans back they fail

8.2. World War 2

8.2.1. People would invest in war bonds which showed America that investing in our country not only does it benefit the soldiers, but also benefits you

8.3. mass production and consmption

8.3.1. U.S farms and businesses were pushing out way too many goods for consumers to buy. Satarted dust bowl

8.4. High enemployment

8.4.1. Caused many Americans to loose their jobs and people were having their houses foreclosed and starvation