US History Lessons Learned

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US History Lessons Learned von Mind Map: US History Lessons Learned

1. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?

1.1. 1920s Working Class Situtation

1.1.1. A increase for jobs by about 25%.

1.1.2. Americans had more money to spend and more time due to wage increases, and working hours decreasing.

1.1.3. Women getting factory jobs too

1.2. Credit 1920s

1.2.1. When there is too much credit taken out and the stock market crashes your in a huge amount of debt.

1.3. The Great Depression

1.3.1. when the New deal was created to fix the economic problems, It costed a lot of money and government debt increased.

1.4. WW2

1.4.1. People on the home front were more than willing to help with war by conserving, producing, and investing.

1.5. Cold War

1.5.1. We were the "china" of trade.

1.6. Civil Rights

1.6.1. Bus boycotts made the American Society realize how much blacks are important to the economic growth of America

2. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

2.1. WW2

2.1.1. Many Jewish people attempted to leave the country and fled to other countries so they wouldn't be killed or go through Hitler's cruel treatment and other countries did not step in early which could have prevented this

2.2. Vietnam War

2.2.1. To avoid the war, 30,000 men fled to Canada, 20,000 deserted the army, and millions more Americans avoided the draft by going to a college. The Vietnam War was so poorly supported that it caused these huge migrations in order to avoid going to the war. The U.S. learned from this that if they don't get the people to support their decisions, then they will lose military power which is what makes them one of the worlds leaders.

3. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

3.1. M.A.I.N

3.1.1. When leaders focus on main too much it disrupts world peace.

3.2. The Great Depression

3.2.1. Herbert Hoover was unliked and inspired the named "hooverville" for the poor shacks in central park.

3.2.2. FDR created many new organisations and programs to pull the US out of the great depression such as the CCC, AAA, and NRA.

3.3. WW2

3.3.1. Militarism and Alliances, when more powerful leaders work together it causes them to have a greater chance of winning which forces other countries to join the war. Militarism caused mass destruction for everyone.

3.3.2. Ratical leaders are more likely to be discovered and supported due to the problems and precautions that are being taken to proctect the country.

3.3.3. A powerful leader like Hitler is willing to fight to the end. Russia is strong and willing to take high casualty rates.

3.4. Vietnam War

3.4.1. President Richard Nixon promised the american public in his campaign that he would get american troops out of Vietnam. When elected his plan was Vietnamization which was replacing the american troops with South Vietnamese troops so Americans can leave. This strategy was first put to the test during the invasion of Cambodia. The invasion was a complete failure and the North Vietnamese completely wiped out Southern Vietnamese forces easily. So, Nixon's plan failed but troops were already being pulled out. The U.S. learned here that the Vietnamization strategy doesn't work in war and will never work.

4. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

4.1. 1920s Prohibition

4.1.1. When gov. tries to outlaw popular items it has negative impacts and gov. spent a lot of money.

4.2. WW2

4.2.1. Many people thought the US would be the best place to go, but america was very hesitant to allow everything occurring into their country, so Jewish people were stuck

4.3. Great Society

4.3.1. When the government decreases taxes and creates large social programs, government debt will increase.

4.4. Vietnam War

4.4.1. Throughout the war the American government lied to the public about what was going on overseas, but the worst lie of them all was their reason for entering the war. The Gulf of Tonkin near Vietnam was were the U.S. ship, the USS Maddox, was first attacked by North Vietnam on August 2nd and the U.S. didn't respond. On August 4th there was no attack on the U.S., the sonar monitors made a mistake, and the U.S. entered the Vietnam war. So really, the U.S. entered Vietnam for a reason that didn't exist and when the public learned about this they became furious because they already didn't like the war. The US learned here that if what they're doing isn't consistent with what they're telling the public, the public will erupt in an outrage against government in protest and rallies.

5. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

5.1. 1920s Women

5.1.1. Unequal Rights can lead to protest in citizens because they want to be equal with others

5.2. WW2

5.2.1. Japanese Internment camps violated the constitution deeming it unconstitutional

5.2.2. woman proved to be fruitful during WW2 producing many goods

5.2.3. African Americans proved that they were equal by fighting for their country

6. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

6.1. WWI Warfare

6.1.1. When there's a lot of new technology in society we will be ill prepared for war.

6.2. WW2

6.2.1. Atomic bomb reason: Japan surrendered, stopped fighting because they realized how strong it was and that it will kill many people

6.3. Vietnam War

6.3.1. Napalm and Agent Orange. Due to the guerrilla tactics and jungle warfare in Vietnam, the U.S. developed these to remove the enemies main cover. Napalm was a gasoline based bomb which was a sticky substance the would burn very easily and well making it not only great for wiping out the jungles, but deadly when used in the infantry. Napalm was so devastating because it would also get on friendlies and once you were hit with napalm, there was no getting it off. Agent Orange was a toxic chemical used to kill the jungles and vegetation in Vietnam as well, but the problem with it was it caused diseases such as cancer which affected many Vietnam vets when they returned home, and what's even worse is the government knew it caused diseases and used it anyway. The US learned here that before using new technology they need to consider all possible situations and long term effects of the new technology. Also not to use chemicals that cause disease in war in close proximity to their own men.

7. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

7.1. 1920s Radio

7.1.1. The radio led to people learning more about what was going on throughout the world, and ultimately led to a more connected america.

7.2. 1920s Newspaper

7.2.1. Articles change peoples opinions.

7.3. Red Scare

7.3.1. The arrest of the Hollywood ten made people fearful.

7.3.2. Joseph McCarthy uses the new TV to gain popularity through fear and win the election.

7.4. Emmett Till

7.4.1. Emmett Tills's open casket let people see his face all over the news, and became angry

7.5. Freedom Riders

7.5.1. Gain attention show violence to media.

8. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

8.1. World War I

8.1.1. Forming allies can draw the country into a broader conflict

8.1.2. When the US is involved in world affairs to a large extent, it is hard to be neutral if a major conflict breaks out

8.2. Isolationism

8.2.1. The US decided to stay isolated from other countries.

8.2.2. Led to things like the Great Depression and eventually WWII

8.3. WW2

8.3.1. Expansion: several countries wanted world domination, that caused problems...

8.3.2. Okinawa crippled the Japanese and cut off supplies from their army

8.3.3. Stalin Grad told Hitler that the soviet union is a bigger opponent than they thought

8.3.4. Due to the Great Depression, Americas relationships with other countries were failing because they were protecting themselves.

8.4. Vietnam War

8.4.1. After America Leaves it's just North Vietnam's superior army vs. South Vietnam's ragtag army. On April 30th, 1975, Northern Vietnam's army poured into the South barely without a fight and took over South Vietnam uniting the North and South together under a communist rule. This is one of the biggest losses of the Vietnam War. America's policy was to contain communism, and communism spread to Vietnam. So, looking at the overall picture America lost the Vietnam war and this does not make America look good on the world table as they failed to uphold their policy.