Environmental problems in colombia

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Environmental problems in colombia von Mind Map: Environmental problems in colombia

1. contiene

1.1. 1. Damage caused by mining.

1.1.1. consists of: Mining has caused many environmental problems. for example, mercury and cyanide are widely used in gold mining. these chemicals often enter the water, and this means that a large amount of drinking water is contaminated ¿what can we do to solve these problems?

1.1.2. its consequences are: Like many of the human activities, mining produces serious problems to the environment, due to its diverse mining and chemical processes. These effects may include erosion, sinkhole formation, loss of biodiversity, contamination of ground and surface water, as well as soil contamination. In some cases, deforestation around the mine is included as an additional factor, with the aim of creating sufficient space for the facilities necessary for its operation and the storage of waste. In turn, the pollution resulting from the leakage of chemical substances directly affects the local population, if not properly controlled.An extreme case of environmental damage is the fire at the Centralia coal mine in Pennsylvania, which since 1962 burns through its tunnels located below the American town.

1.2. 2. deforestación

1.2.1. consists of: Colombia has been losing its forests for several decades. The three main causes of this are: the demand for agricultural land for crops and livestock, the development of the country's land system and the demand for wood. ¿what can we do to solve these problems?

1.2.2. its consequences are: Deforestation is a net contributor to global warming, and is often cited as one of the main causes of the greenhouse effect. The loss of tropical forests is responsible for approximately 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, deforestation, mainly in tropical areas, could be up to one third of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, but recent estimates suggest that CO2 emissions caused by deforestation and forest degradation (excluding natural emissions from peatlands) would account for between 6 and 17% of all anthropogenic emissions of CO2, with an average of 12% Deforestation causes CO2 to remain in the atmosphere longer. By increasing the CO2, a layer is created that traps the solar radiation. This radiation becomes heat, thus causing the greenhouse effect.

1.3. 3. loss of páramo

1.3.1. consists of: Like the forest, the Colombian laments are disappearing. Mining and agricultural lands have invaded the country's moors during the last decades. ¿what can we do to solve these problems?

1.3.2. its consequences are: The natural ecosystems of the páramo are important, not only for their ecological value, but also because they contribute to cement economic and social processes. In ecological terms, they constitute unique ecosystems since they only exist in Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador. In social terms, they are a cultural heritage of great historical significance. Its greater and immediate relevance derives from its regulatory role in the supply basins of the aqueducts that supply water for human consumption and other uses. The páramos, as "water factories", are not properly water producers; their function, if they are well preserved, is to regulate the flow and quality of the water that descends from them.