Transformative Learning

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Transformative Learning von Mind Map: Transformative Learning

1. Psycho-developmental

1.1. Merriam

1.2. King and Kitchener

1.2.1. Age and Education

1.3. Perry's schema

1.4. Kasworm

1.4.1. Self-directedness

1.4.2. Education

2. Race-centric

2.1. Like-minded or Segregated?

2.2. Different Backgrounds

3. Cultural-Spiritual

3.1. Brooks

3.2. Tisdell

3.3. Spirituality as Meaning-making

3.3.1. Personal and Private

3.4. Culture

3.4.1. Ingrained from Childhood

4. Planetary

4.1. O'Sullivan

4.2. International Cooperation

4.3. Science

4.4. Persistence

5. Psycho-critical

5.1. Mezirow

5.1.1. Frames of Reference

5.1.2. Grounded

5.1.3. Conscious

5.1.4. Disorienting Dilemma

6. Psychoanalytical

6.1. Dirkx

6.1.1. Images

6.1.2. Spiritual

6.1.3. Unconscious

6.2. Boyd

7. Socio-emancipatory

7.1. Freire

7.2. Macedo

7.3. Exposure to new ideas

7.4. Things can be better

7.5. Education/Higher Ed

8. Neurobiological

8.1. Janik

8.2. Glizinski

8.3. Physical Changes

8.4. Scientific