How to make stress your friend

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How to make stress your friend von Mind Map: How to make stress your friend

1. research

1.1. stress make social

1.2. Oxytocin crave physical contact

1.3. Oxytocin protect cardiovascular system

1.4. strengthen the heart

2. conclusion

2.1. stress make you believe yourself

3. study1

3.1. 3000 adults 8years

3.2. how much stress have you experienced?

3.3. do you believe stress harmful your health?

3.4. believing stress is bad for health

4. study2

4.1. the social stress test

4.2. the math test

4.3. rethink stress response as helpful

5. study3

5.1. 1000 adults 34-93

5.2. how much stress experienced

5.3. how much time helping others

5.4. caring created reilience