Political factors The Netherlands

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Political factors The Netherlands von Mind Map: Political factors The Netherlands

1. Goverment spending and tax policy

1.1. overview op spendings 2018

1.1.1. revenue= 285 billion euros

1.1.2. expenditure= 277 billion euros

2. Business policy and incentives

3. Stability

3.1. 6th happiest country in the world

3.2. Place 37 on The political stability index

3.3. The ability of a people's government to share, access, or competite for power thru nonviolent political processes to enjoy the collective bnefits and services of the state

4. Competition Policy

4.1. European Union

4.1.1. Free trade contract

4.2. Policies intended to prevent collusion among firms and to prevent individual firm from having excessive market power.

5. corruption level

5.1. Netherlands is in 8th place on corruption level

5.1.1. with a score of 82 on a scale of 0(high level of corruption)-100( no corruption),

5.2. Abuse of power for private gain