Cultural Poster Board of Country Selected

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Cultural Poster Board of Country Selected von Mind Map: Cultural Poster Board of Country Selected

1. Capital City

1.1. Name the City

1.2. Provide a Map of its Location

2. Language

2.1. What Language is native

2.2. How many languages are spoken

2.3. Provide an example of their writing methods

3. National Flag

3.1. provide a picture or drawing

3.2. discuss its origins

4. Holidays & Celebrations

4.1. What do they celebrate and when

4.2. are these specific to the region, or the religion

5. Dress/Wardrobe

5.1. what garments are worn

5.2. find photos of tradition or native dress

6. Famous Figures

6.1. Name a famous leader, political figure, singer, movie star, chef, etc.

7. Cuisine

7.1. What is a native dish of this country

7.2. What are popular ingredients in this country to cook with

7.3. have you ever eaten this food

8. Include

8.1. photos

8.2. drawings

8.3. boarder

8.4. title

8.5. minimum 6 items

8.6. name, date, teacher's name

9. Religion

9.1. What religions are practiced in the country

9.2. Is religion forced or is there freedom to practice any religion

10. Local Industry

10.1. What does this country's industrial profile look like

10.2. what is the number one export/import

10.3. Discuss what most people do for work in the country

11. Terrain/Flora & Fauna

11.1. Is this country set in a desert, mountain range, rain forest, tundra.

11.2. What typically grows naturally in this country (if anything)

11.3. Discuss a native plant that can be found all over the country

12. Historic Buildings

12.1. provide photos of historical buildings, temples, structures, etc.

13. Wars in the Country

13.1. discuss any significant wars/battles fought on this country's soil