Theories of Leadership - Michele Fry

This a map I made for an assignment for my Leadership Course. The words are all my own.

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Theories of Leadership - Michele Fry von Mind Map: Theories of Leadership - Michele Fry

1. Situational Leadership

1.1. Leaders adapt their style to the situation.

1.1.1. This type of leadership can be useful in all areas, At times Forcing conflict Style is needed, but the key to this style is knowing when to pull back and being sure it is the correct course of action.

2. Participative Leadership

2.1. Run like a democracy. Team member input is sought before making a decision.

2.1.1. This can be useful in the accommodating style and accommodating conflict style.

3. Transactional Leadership

3.1. Clear chain of command where the Premack Principle is applied

3.1.1. You do this task that is less desirable and you get this reward. This can be be motivational but rewards also need to be affirmations and value tasks as the rewards themselves.

4. Bureaucratic Leadership

4.1. High levels of administration where regulation and rules are upheld through hierarchy.

4.1.1. This style of leadership has its place, but can make the decision making process slow and is less collaborative.

5. Trait leadership

5.1. Leaders are born not taught. This theory states that leaders have an inborn ability to lead.

5.1.1. This type of leadership can lead to missing the potential of others who may need development.

6. Contingency Leadership

6.1. This leadership style will change based upon the overall needs of the company internally and externally.

6.1.1. This is much like situational leadership.

7. Servant Leadership

7.1. These leaders share power and put the needs of their team first encouraging collective decision-making

7.1.1. This type of leadership is wonderful if there is no urgency or if the team cannot come to an agreement.

8. Laissez-Faire

8.1. Hand off Leadership where the leader in not involved

8.1.1. This form of leadership can work with highly motivated and skilled employees but it can also lead to goals not being met.

9. Charismatic Leadership

9.1. The cult of personality is applied and where leaders rely heavily on personality and charm.

9.1.1. This type of leadership can be dangerous if the leader does not have substance.