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Giana von Mind Map: Giana

1. reference page

1.1. ref for all software used

2. Strategic planning map

3. photography

3.1. events

3.1.1. poll

3.2. iphone vs canon camera

3.2.1. photo editing

4. writing/reading

4.1. academic

4.1.1. graphic design?

4.2. personal?

4.3. fav texts

4.3.1. infographic??

5. About me

5.1. Giana, artist, storyteller, asu 2021

5.1.1. photo editing

5.2. Class project, whats the purpose of it

5.3. resume

6. Contact

6.1. email

6.1.1. ggarci52@asu,edu

6.2. twitter/insta

6.2.1. @_takemyhead

6.2.2. @beachwaveboy

7. art

7.1. sketches

7.1.1. poll

7.2. art journ.

7.2.1. poll

7.3. full pieces