Focus Group A

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Focus Group A von Mind Map: Focus Group A

1. Could we allow a brief period of time on LSW to share technology sites or info that we have discovered? We all know that we have the best intentions to check out portals and wiki sites....but we are busy and it just never seems to happen.

2. A lot of districts have a tech curriculum that aligns skills with grades so that teachers can expect certain skills at certain grades. For instance, something like "all 7th graders will be able to type 40wpm" or "all 8th graders will be able to create and present a Keynote presentation"....

3. What about a portal where all things tech could begin?

4. what if we created a wiki for this?

5. Create an online clearinghouse for emerging technology and tools AND disseminate district-wide developmentally appropriate guidelines for technology skills (action steps 5&6).

6. New node

7. New node

8. What about more exploration on sites that are out there that we do not know about in order to truly integrate technology versus utilizing programs that replace our teaching?