von Reiner Zukunft

1. The arrows point to a link
2. Community
2.1. Solar
2.1.1. Painting Solar Cells with Nanoparticle Past
2.2. Urban Gardeners
2.2.1. Urban Gardeners -radio post
2.2.2. Capitalism to participate -radio post
2.2.3. Permakultur
2.3. Video/Micro House Concept
2.3.1. OLED
2.4. Heating
2.5. Composting toilet
2.5.1. Mini-Kläranlage
2.6. Koperative of children-radio post
2.6.1. Cooperation or co-operation
2.7. What's a good life? -radio post
2.8. Digital Fabricator
2.9. Water
2.9.1. Virtual_water
2.10. Network neutrality
2.11. Open Source
2.12. Wandheizung
2.13. Momos Garten -Soziales Netzwerk-
3. Building material
3.1. Video/Staw
3.2. Loam
3.2.1. clay oven
3.3. tree
4. Instructions for this Mind Map
4.1. Here's a comment or question is a thought.
5. Overproduction
5.1. Ecological footprint
5.2. Ökologischer Rucksack
5.3. The Limits to Growth
5.3.1. Beyond the growth - the impossible hamster