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MercadoDeDios von Mind Map: MercadoDeDios

1. Who’s on site?

1.1. Made in Mexico

1.2. El pilón

1.3. Burgos taxes

1.4. God & George

1.5. Imprint coffee

2. Who needs to be on site

2.1. El Rincón

2.2. Jumbos fish

2.3. Janette’s Padilla

2.4. Mi Ranchito


3.1. Donation campaigns

3.1.1. Of course our number one way of creating awareness Disciple Fashion. Our first focus campaign project will be the community website, MercadoDeDios. Details

3.1.2. Details: Free Marketing with online promotional Advertising to community members within our website that is raising funds for the. Children’s Ministry Donation buttons needed on site

3.2. Crowd Funding with PodBean

3.2.1. My podcast for GodIsMyUpline will have a membership that will allow for Sponsors . They would be called Patrons. I will begin to journal my journey for crowdfunding and exposure to the Children’s Ministry’s and I will raise funds for Grape Soda through interviews and links to their Spotify for additional exposue.

3.3. Grape Soda (Must así)

3.3.1. Grape Soda Can do concerts for Various Fund Raising benefits. The exposure for them could develop into awesome venue connections and other band crowdfunding ventures.

3.3.2. Another great legacy making crowd funder for Children’s Ministry is a music charity crowd funding for under privileged kids who cannot afford instruments or trip events. Grape Soda can be featured as Legacy Music Students from Sodus.

3.4. Our Promotional campaign will be the Advertisement Board for free.

3.4.1. We would however appreciate a donation for our Children’s Ministry The Donors will have the ability to To Donate on our site Highlight their business with personal images and logo Receive a thank you gift code from God’s Marketplace upon donation

4. Aflac Mission Field

4.1. Mi Ranchito

4.2. Made in mexico

5. MDD is being called to grow into a Children’s Ministry. The focus as we begin our campaign will be for the growth of our Children’s Ministry first.

5.1. Cavin’s Children’s Ministry in Africa

6. “I see MercadoDeDios as a form of communication for our community with advertising services to offering work to seeking work.”

7. A way to create a Free Advertisment Board for those in community who have businesses with Little to no budget.