How can educators enhance teaching and learning by challenging conventional concepts of instructi...

MRP Conceptual Framework

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How can educators enhance teaching and learning by challenging conventional concepts of instructional time and physical space in kindergarten environments? von Mind Map: How can educators enhance teaching and learning by challenging conventional concepts of instructional time and physical space in kindergarten environments?

1. Questions and Concerns

1.1. How can I make "challenging" more of an action-oriented word?

1.2. Is "kindergarten environment" too restrictive -- how can I make sure it includes learning inside and outside of the classroom?

1.3. Does "convention" convey my intended meaning -- a "conventional" kindergarten schedule is fragmented and doesn't allow for flow (has too many transitions) and many kinder teachers don't use their physical space and materials to full advantage, instead relying on direct instruction and "circle time" which aren't developmentally appropriate.

2. Potential Lit Review Questions

3. Potential Sources for the Lit Review

3.1. Early Childhood Education Journals

3.1.1. Project-Based Learning research The Buck Institute

3.2. Educational Leadership Journals

3.3. National Association for the Education of Young Children

3.4. Child Development research

4. Sub Questions

4.1. How can we empower teachers to rethink time and space in kindergartens?

4.2. Kindergarten schedules are developed to suit educators and schools rather than children. How can we improve this?

5. Key Words/Concepts

5.1. Reggio Emelia

5.2. Project-Based Learning

5.3. Inquiry

5.4. Child Development

6. Potential Data Collection Methods