household chores

Household chores

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household chores von Mind Map: household chores

1. put away toys

2. DO

2.1. do the washing

2.2. do the shopping

2.3. do the washing up

2.4. do the cooking

2.5. do the cleaning

2.6. do the vacuuming

2.7. do the ironing

2.8. do the ironing

2.9. do the dusting


3.1. make the bed

3.2. make breakfast

3.3. make lunch

3.4. make dinner

4. look after a toddler

5. Sweep/wash/vacuum the floor

6. set/clear the table

7. dry the dishes

8. dust the polish


9.1. put/take the rubbish out

9.2. take the dog for a walk

10. TIDY

10.1. tidy your bedroom

10.2. tidy the living room


11.1. load/unload the dishwasher

11.2. load/unload the washing machine

12. FEED

12.1. feed the dog

12.2. feed the pets

13. HANG

13.1. hanging out the washing

13.2. hanging up the clothes

14. watering the plants