How to create a new type of vacation with interactive gaming? And why is hitchhiking a key to ach...

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How to create a new type of vacation with interactive gaming? And why is hitchhiking a key to achieve it. von Mind Map: How to create a new type of vacation with interactive gaming? And why is hitchhiking a key to achieve it.

1. app/technologies

1.1. mobile game

1.2. interact with others

1.3. live geolocalisation = relative safety

1.4. setting goals

1.5. not meant to be played alone

2. users

2.1. 20-30 years old

2.2. groups of students

2.3. people on vacation/planning their vacation

2.4. both drivers and hitchhikers

3. remuneration

3.1. advertisement

3.2. the app will be free to download

3.3. data monetization


4. Road trips

4.1. friends

4.2. organisation

4.3. small/medium budget

5. hitchhikers

5.1. not so safe

5.2. low/no cost

5.3. wrong in our social mindset

5.4. What killed hitchhiking?

6. gaming

6.1. user friendly

6.2. fun/interactive

6.3. What's the important role of video games in modern and future cultures? - Quora