Improve museum visit experience for kids thanks to sound design

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Improve museum visit experience for kids thanks to sound design von Mind Map: Improve museum visit experience for kids thanks to sound design

1. Art pieces linked to headphones

1.1. How to create a link between what people are seeing at the museum and what they see on the iPad?

1.1.1. A lot of museums already do it, it's easy Examples: Louvre, Guggeinheim, Met, MOMA, Hermitage in Moscow, Royal Gallery

1.2. What art works are we talking about?

1.2.1. Scupltures, paintings...Etc

2. Headphones connected to a mp3/phone

2.1. How to provide kids with headphones?

2.1.1. Necessity to find a partner/company of headphones Apple, Beats by Dre, even retailers, Philips, Sony

2.2. How to provide kids with a phone?

2.2.1. Necessity to find a partner/company of phones Philips, Nokia, Sony

2.2.2. Must be cheap phones Nokia, Huawai, Wiko

3. Kind of iPad to visualize images with the sound

3.1. How to provide kids with the iPad?

3.1.1. Necessity to find a partner/company of kind of iPad Apple, Philips, Samsung

3.2. How to create images that fit with the artistic works?

3.2.1. Need to call a professional designer Company of webdesign, Google

3.3. What may be the issues?

3.3.1. Problems with the eyes, ears