Pragmatics: the study of language used in context (relationship between form and meaning).

Pragmatics - Lidia Fernald

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Pragmatics: the study of language used in context (relationship between form and meaning). von Mind Map: Pragmatics: the study of language used in context (relationship between form and meaning).

1. Language production and interpretation

2. Interlanguage pragmatic development: transfer of cultural pragmatics from L1 to L2

3. Pragmatic principles are shared within a community.

4. Pragmatics differences are often interpreted on a social or personal level.

4.1. Hinder communication

4.2. Appear rude or brusque

5. Classrooms are well suited places to provide input, interpretation and reflection. Learn social language rules of speaking. Practice activities such as oral examinations e.g. job interviews, workplace communication, invitations, refusals, apologies.

6. Without instruction differences in pragmatics show in English Learners.

7. Non literal, context dependant, inferentialand/or non truth condicitional

8. Sentences and utterance meaning, use and usage, context and action, reference and indixecality, entailment and presupposition, functional views of language, meaning in interaction, inference and implicature, cultural and background knowledge.

9. The benefits of pragmatics instruction: Raise pragmatic awareness. Choices in the target language. Become familiar with devices and practices. Maintain cultural identities.