Silent Auction- 4/21

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Silent Auction- 4/21 von Mind Map: Silent Auction- 4/21

1. Special Events

1.1. Reservation for CSC in person auction- 4/10

1.2. Setting up snacks for teacher who come in

2. Photo/Video

2.1. Picture of Done Baskets- 4/9

2.2. Video for Facebook explaining auction website- 4/18

3. Finance

3.1. Donation Receipts for companies who donate

3.2. Making sure donor drive payments go through

4. Marketing/PR

4.1. Instagram Posts

4.1.1. 12:00pm- 4/12- Picture of Art Basket

4.1.2. 12:00pm- 4/13- Picture of Sport Basket

4.1.3. 8:00am- Story w/ poll about which basket you would rather have

4.1.4. 11:00am- Sponsorship thank you story

4.2. Facebook Event Page

5. Partnerships

5.1. Sponsored Baskets

5.1.1. Reboot (Game Night)

5.1.2. Macon Mayhem (Hockey)

5.1.3. Date Night (Francars)

6. Recruitment

6.1. Organizations/Teams Sponsoring a Basket

6.1.1. ATO- Arts and Craft

6.1.2. Pi Kapp- Gardening