Security measures available to ensure school safety

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Security measures available to ensure school safety von Mind Map: Security measures available to ensure school safety

1. Why security measures are necessary

1.1. Statistics on school shootings

1.2. Security at these schools with shootings

2. Types of security measure

2.1. metal detectors/searches

2.2. Emergency procedures

2.3. Locks/gates etc

3. security and effects on students

3.1. How do students feel about heavy security measures

3.2. Students at schools with shootings feelings on better security measures

4. Schools plans to up their security

4.1. Plans different schools have to help increase security

4.2. Do parents agree with these plans and to get them on board

5. Number of school safety incidents with high security vs low

5.1. Do the higher security schools seem safer than low security

5.2. budget a reason for low security