Competency Structure

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Competency Structure von Mind Map: Competency Structure

1. Global Integrated Supply Chain

1.1. Operational Excellence

1.1.1. Lean Manufacturing Knowledge

1.2. Business Operating System

1.3. Supply Chain Knowledge

1.3.1. Quality

1.3.2. Procurement

1.3.3. Materials

1.3.4. Logistics

1.3.5. Advanced Manufacturing

1.3.6. Operations

1.3.7. Environmental & Health & Safety

1.4. Product Knowledge

1.5. Finance Knowledge

1.6. Economics Knowledge

2. Leadership Competencies

2.1. Coaches for Performance

2.2. Creates External Awareness

2.3. Thinks and Acts Strategically

2.4. Delivers Business Results

2.5. Leads Authentically

2.6. Builds Organizational Talent

3. Core Competences

3.1. Lives the values

3.1.1. Respect

3.1.2. Innovation

3.1.3. Teamwork

3.1.4. Integrity

3.1.5. Courage

3.2. Communicates Compellingly

3.3. Learns Enthusiastically

3.4. Advocates for Customers

3.5. Innovates

3.6. Promotes Change

3.7. Strives for Excellence