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1. 2.1.5 File and Folder Permissions

1.1. sharing options

1.1.1. Homegroup(READ)

1.1.2. nobody

1.1.3. Homegroup(READ/WRITE)

1.1.4. specific people

1.2. Principle of Least Privilege

1.2.1. Users should be limited to only the resources they need in a computer system or on a network.

1.2.2. They should not be able to access all files on a server, for example, if they need to access only a single folder.

1.2.3. It may be easier to provide users access to the entire drive, but it is more secure to limit access to only the folder that is needed to perform their job.

1.2.4. This is known as the principle of least privilege. Limiting access to resources also prevents malicious programs from accessing those resources if the user’s computer becomes infected.

1.3. Restricting User Permissions

1.3.1. File and network share permissions can be granted to individuals or through membership within a group.

1.3.2. If an individual or a group is denied permissions to a network share, this denial overrides any other permissions given.

1.3.3. For example, if you deny someone permission to a network share, the user cannot access that share, even if the user is the administrator or part of the administrator group. The local security policy must outline which resources and the type of access allowed for each user and group.

1.3.4. When the permissions of a folder are changed, you are given the option to apply the same permissions to all sub-folders.

1.3.5. This is known as permission propagation. Permission propagation is an easy way to apply permissions to many files and folders quickly.

1.3.6. After parent folder permissions have been set, folders and files that are created inside the parent folder inherit the permissions of the parent folder.

2. 2.2.1 Security Procedures

2.1. Procedures are detailed step-by-step tasks that should be performed to achieve a certain goal.

2.2. example

2.2.1. install operating systems, configure security mechanisms, implement access control lists, set up new user accounts, assign computer privileges, audit activities, destroy material, report incidents,

2.3. Procedures spell out how the policy, standards, and guidelines will actually be implemented in an operating environment.

3. 2.2.2 Data Protection

3.1. Software firewalls

3.1.1. A software firewall is a program that runs on a computer to allow or deny traffic between the computer and other computers to which it is connected.

3.1.2. The software firewall applies a set of rules to data transmissions through inspection and filtering of data packets. Windows Firewall is an example of a software firewall.

3.1.3. It is installed by default when the OS is installed.

3.2. Biometrics and Smart Cards

3.2.1. Biometric security compares physical characteristics against stored profiles to authenticate people.

3.2.2. A profile is a data file containing known characteristics of an individual. A fingerprint, a face pattern, or retina scan are all examples of biometric data.

3.3. Data Backups

3.3.1. frequency However, having many partial backups increases the amount of time need to restore the data Backups can take a long time. sometimes it is easier to make a full backup monthly or weekly, and then do frequent partial backups of any data that has changed since the last full backup.

3.3.2. storage backups should be transported to an approved offsite storage location on a daily, weekly, or monthly rotation, as required by the security policy.

3.3.3. security backups can be protected with passwords. the password is entered before the data on the backup media can be restored

3.3.4. validation Always validate backups to ensure the integrity of the data

3.4. Data Encryption

3.4.1. Encryption is often used to protect data.

3.4.2. Encryption is where data is transformed using a complicated algorithm to make it unreadable.

3.4.3. A special key must be used to return the unreadable information back into readable data.

3.4.4. Software programs are used to encrypt files, folders, and even entire drives.

4. 2.2.3 Protection against malicious software

4.1. Certain types of attacks, such as those performed by spyware and phishing, collect data about the user that can be used by an attacker to gain confidential information.

4.2. You should run virus and spyware scanning programs to detect and remove unwanted software.

4.3. Many browsers now come equipped with special tools and settings that prevent the operation of several forms of malicious software.

5. 2.2.3 Apply Protection against malicious software

5.1. Activity :Third-Party Antivirus Software

5.2. Print and complete this activity.

5.3. In this activity, you will use the Internet, a newspaper, or a local store to gather information about third-party antivirus software.

6. 2.1.1 Security Policy

6.1. the rules for computer access and specific information on how these will be carried out.

6.2. set of management statements that defines an organization’s philosophy of how to safeguard its information.

6.3. elements

6.3.1. An acceptable computer usage statement for the organization.

6.3.2. The people permitted to use the computer equipment.

6.3.3. Devices that are permitted to be installed on a network, as well as the conditions of the installation. Modems and wireless access points are examples of hardware that could expose the network to attacks.

6.3.4. Requirements necessary for data to remain confidential on a network.

6.3.5. Process for employees to acquire access to equipment and data. This process may require the employee to sign an agreement regarding company rules. It also lists the consequences for failure to comply.

7. 2.1.2 Security Policy Requirements

7.1. questions

7.1.1. is the computer a laptop

7.1.2. is there full time internet access

7.1.3. is the computer located at a home or a business

7.2. When creating a security policy, these are some key areas to address

7.2.1. Process for handling network security incidents

7.2.2. Process to audit existing network security

7.2.3. General security framework for implementing network security

7.2.4. Behaviors that are allowed

7.2.5. Behaviors that are prohibited

7.2.6. What to log and how to store the logs: Event Viewer, system log files, or security log files

7.2.7. Network access to resources through account permissions

7.2.8. Authentication technologies to access data: usernames, passwords, biometrics, and smart cards

7.3. provide detailed information

7.3.1. Steps to take after a breach in security

7.3.2. Who to contact in an emergency

7.3.3. Information to share with customers, vendors, and the media

7.3.4. Secondary locations to use in an evacuation

7.3.5. Steps to take after an emergency is over, including the priority of services to be restored

8. 2.1.3 Usernames and Passwords

8.1. two pieces of information that a user needs to log on to a computer.

8.2. Network logins provide a means of logging activity on the network and either preventing or allowing access to resources.

8.3. Using secure, encrypted login information for computers with network access should be a minimum requirement in any organization.

8.4. levels of password protection

8.4.1. BIOS - Prevents the operating system from booting and the BIOS settings from being changed without the appropriate password.

8.4.2. Login - Prevents unauthorized access to the local computer.

8.4.3. Network - Prevents access to network resources by unauthorized personnel

9. 2.1.4 Password Requirements

9.1. guidelines to creating strong passwords

9.1.1. Length - Use at least eight characters.

9.1.2. Complexity - Include letters, numbers, symbols, and punctuation. Use a variety of keys on the keyboard, not just common letters and characters.

9.1.3. Variation - Change passwords often. Set a reminder to change the passwords you have for email, banking, and credit card websites on the average of every three to four months.

9.1.4. Variety - Use a different password for each site or computer that you use.

9.2. Screensaver required password

9.2.1. It is important to make sure that computers are secure when users are away from the computer.

9.2.2. A security policy should contain a rule about requiring a computer to lock when the screensaver starts.

9.2.3. This will ensure that after a short time away from the computer, the screen saver will start and then the computer cannot be used until the user logs in.