Miss Howe's Mobile Apps Mind Map

Miss Howe's Mobile Apps Mind Map

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Miss Howe's Mobile Apps Mind Map von Mind Map: Miss Howe's Mobile Apps Mind Map

1. Writing

1.1. Draw your Stories is an app that makes a students drawing come to life and tell a story.

1.2. BrainPOP Jr. Movie of the Week is an app that provides animated educational movies, quizzes and activities. Great for writing topics.

1.3. ABC Writing Zoo Animals is an app that works on writing skills with zoo animals.

2. Organizing

2.1. Remind is an app that helps with communicating with parents.

2.2. QR Reader and Creator is an app that can be used for scanning and learning knew subjects. Also great for assessing.

2.3. TeacherKit is an app that helps organize your class, information and students.

3. Math

3.1. Geoboard is an app that lets students create and manipulate shapes on a geobaord.

3.2. PBS KIDS Games is an app with educational games that students can play and learn from.

3.3. Splash Math- Games for Kids is an app that engages students in math concepts through games.

4. Reading

4.1. Fry Words is an app that creates and assesses students on all 1000 sight words.

4.2. Kindle is an app that allows students to read a story from a device.

4.3. ABC Magic Phonics is an app that teaches sounds of letters and other phonics skills.