Dissemination of our project

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Dissemination of our project von Mind Map: Dissemination of our project

1. Language Teacher

2. Students write a summary

3. Students prepare a power point on the subject

4. Internet

5. 4- headmaster and her staff during a meeting, having a look to our padlet could be precious to make them conscious about the value of ICT course, the related learning outcomes and the effectiveness of tools during daily activities at school and as a safe and meaningful network between teachers and their classes.

6. 3- coordinator for ICT improvement of the school sharing padlet with the coordinator could suggest him new tools to explore. Reflecting together after watching the group presentation could help him to evaluate the mobility staff progress during ICT course

7. 2- collegues and teachers during a meeting dedicated to Erasmus Plus KA1 it can be useful to have a look to our padlet and to the presentation.

8. 1- students during a history lesson regarding the external areas of the Roman Empire, a short part could be dedicated to show the presentation “Traces of ancient Ireland in the boglands”. Slide n. 6 could be explained in full details, using the interactive picture and exploring all the links.

9. Ilaria Ancient History and Geography teacher

10. Technology teacher

11. Students: learn about energy resourses

12. turf, peat, oil, bogs etc.

13. Students watch a video! What are bogs? How have they been created? How they have been used for heating and can they produce electricity?

14. Students learn about the relationship between global warming and bogs

15. Student present information

16. Students create a Kahoot

17. Teachers: presentation with "genially" and videos