The ADDIE model a basic overview

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The ADDIE model a basic overview von Mind Map: The ADDIE model a basic overview

1. 1. Analyze

1.1. Ask questions about the Who, What, When, Where, Why, How? Keep asking questions until you have a clear picture, analysis and training plan in your hands

1.1.1. Define the audience and their specific needs

1.1.2. Define the content

1.1.3. Define the location, whether it to be online or offline, synchron or asynchron

1.1.4. Define the location, whether it to be online or offline, synchron or asynchron

1.1.5. Define what the goals are

1.1.6. Define the tools that are most suitable for the topic/issue

2. 2. Design

2.1. Define a strategy

2.2. Think of delivery methods

2.3. Ball park the duration

2.4. Think about the assessment

2.5. Integrate the possibility to give feedback

2.6. Make a storyboard

3. 3. Develop

3.1. Create the course while sticking to the storyboard and planning

3.2. Add graphics and choose colors, layout and fonts

3.3. Test thoroughly on grammar as well as usability and navigation

4. 4. Implement

4.1. Upload the finished product in an LMS

4.2. Make it accessible to the (pilot) learner

5. 5. Evaluate

5.1. Request feedback on goals met, usability, possible new learning needs/aproach