Eating & Drinking in the Lab

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Eating & Drinking in the Lab von Mind Map: Eating & Drinking in the Lab

1. Reason why lab safety rule is important

1.1. You should not eat in a chemistry lab because of the threat of contamination.

1.1.1. You never know where chemical residue may be and ingesting it could be dangerous. Many chemicals leave no visible trace of their presence. You may touch a table, not knowing that a chemical is present, and then touch your food or your mouth.

1.1.2. While you are eating you may leave crumbs or residues on the lab surfaces. This may impact future lab projects and could lead to dangerous situations.

2. How you can prevent rule from being broken

2.1. The best way to prevent this rule from being broken is to simply not bring food or drinks into the lab.

2.2. Another way to prevent this rule from being broken is inform the teacher if you see someone breaking the rule.

3. What you do in case there is an accident

3.1. Inform the teacher if you see someone breaking the rule.

3.2. If food or drink are discovered from someone else, cleaning up the mess immediately and properly will remove the threat of any contamination occurring.