How to build confidence in speaking English and improve you English speaking skills?

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How to build confidence in speaking English and improve you English speaking skills? von Mind Map: How to build confidence in speaking English and improve you English speaking skills?

1. Don't be shy, try not to avoid situations where you are forced to speak. Face your fears when you feel prepared.

2. To improve your English speaking skills: -Try to learn from 3 to 10 words per day. Some useful resources could be: read a book, newspaper, songs, TV shows.

3. Try using dictionaries and tap on the little speaker symbol to check correct pronunciation.

4. Speech shadowing: -Try to imitate by listening native speakers pronunciation. Helpful resources: -Subtitles. -Imitate narrators.

5. Think in English: Try to have a diary where you express your thoughts in English.

6. Participate in public speaking events like debates, TED talks, improvised storytelling gatherings.

7. Go to language cafes: Great places to practice and exchange languages (+Friendly environment)

8. Using apps: Try speaking with other learners in your own home.

9. Chat with Siri: This tool will force you to speak as clearly as you can.

10. Tips to be more confident when speaking: -Practice saying things out loud. -Prepare some answers to possible topics that may come up in a conversation.

11. When speaking to someone you just met, try to avoid speaking so fast, instead, speak slower so the other person will understand what you are talking about.

12. Learn natural flow of English: -Pay attention to: *Linking: link words together *Contractions *Stressed syllables *Rhythm

13. Self talk: Talk to yourself in English loudly, read pages of a book out loud.

14. Retell a story in English: Retrace other people's line of thoughts in your own words.

15. When speaking to someone you just met, try to avoid speaking so fast, instead, speak slower so the other person will understand what you are talking about.