Answer for Chapter 8

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Answer for Chapter 8 von Mind Map: Answer for Chapter 8

1. 5 tips using example in speech

1.1. Answer :

1.1.1. 1-use example that can clarify your ideas

1.1.2. 2- use example that can personalize your ideas

1.1.3. 3- use example that is vivid and richly textured

1.1.4. 4-use example that can personalize your ideas

1.1.5. 5- Practise delivery the example to enhance the extended examples

2. Question 1: Why need supporting materials in speech ?

2.1. Answer :

2.1.1. 1- To support your point view and answer the questions

2.1.2. 2- To back up claim made within the speech

3. Question 2 : 3 kinds of examples discussed in this chapter

3.1. Answer :

3.1.1. 1) brief example - illustrate point or pile up to create desired impression

3.1.2. 2) Extend example - telling a short story dramatically to attract listeners

3.1.3. 3) Hypothetical example - describe and make imaginary story sound realistic to involve the audience.