Education Core Beliefs

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Education Core Beliefs von Mind Map: Education Core Beliefs

1. I believe that education is about sparking joy and uncovering passion.

1.1. Therefore I embrace laughter in the classroom

1.2. Therefore I use gamification as an engagement strategy

1.3. Therefore I create a classroom environment that is bright, colorful, and which often includes toys

1.4. Therefore I let student voice and interests drive much of learning

2. I believe the education is about empowering learners

2.1. Therefore I encourage students to challenge the status quo and advocate for themselves

2.2. Therefore I respect students voices

2.3. Therefore I give students the freedom to make their own choices

3. I believe students are human beings deserving of respect and dignity

3.1. Therefore I let students make decisions in the classroom

3.2. Therefore I apologize when I am wrong

3.3. Therefore I seek to understand what is going on in their minds and in their lives.

4. I believe all students can learn

4.1. Therefore I engage all students in content that is complex and challenging

4.2. Therefore I embrace standards based grading and allow students to always showcase the learning they have achieved irrespective of deadlines

4.3. Therefore I never let a student fail

4.4. Therefore I always ask how I can change what I do to reach my students.

5. I believe that learning is more than listening.

5.1. Therefore I engage students with experiential learning

5.2. Therefore I provide opportunities for creation and exploration

5.3. Therefore I try to talk less

6. I believe students bring valuable experience and knowledge into the classroom

6.1. Therefore I invite students to be co-constructors of knowledge

6.2. Therefore I design instruction around the needs and interests of my students

6.3. Therefore I ask them to explain their thinking rather than tell them they are wrong

6.4. Therefore I invite students' voices and stories into instruction

6.5. Therefor I give students opportunities to talk and share

6.6. Therefore I believe that pre-assessments are essential to instructional design