Physics of a road trip

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Physics of a road trip von Mind Map: Physics of a road trip

1. Acceleration

1.1. average acceleration:the change in velocity during some measurable time interval divided by that time interval

1.2. Acceleration formula:a=vf-vi/t

1.3. units for acceleration: m/s^2

1.4. Acceleration: The rate at which velocity changes

1.5. constant acceleration:velocity changing at a constant rate

2. Force

2.1. Units for force: N (newtons)

2.2. Force formula:F=ma

2.3. Force: A push or pull exerted on an object

2.4. net force: The overall force on an object when all the individual forces acting on it are added together

3. Distance & Displacement

3.1. distance-time graph: Line graph used to show the speed of a moving object

3.2. Displacement: Distance and direction of an object's change in position from the starting point.

3.3. distance: The length of a path between two points

4. Velocity

4.1. Velocity: the speed of an object in a particular direction

4.2. Average velocity: the total displacement divided by the time interval during which the displacement occurred

4.3. Units for Velocity: m/s

4.4. instantaneous velocity: the velocity of an object at some instant or at a specific point in the object's path

4.5. Velocity formula: v=d/t

4.6. velocity-time graph:a graph that can be used to plot the velocity of an object versus time and to determine the sign of an object's acceleration

4.7. vector quantity: A physical measurement that contains directional information

5. time

5.1. time:the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues .

5.2. time interval: the time between two events

5.3. time interval formula t=tf-ti

6. others

6.1. Macroscopic Object objects large enough to be visible almost practically with the naked eye, without magnifying optical instruments.

6.2. Speed: The distance an object travels per unit of time

6.3. scalar quantity a physical measurement that can be described by magnitude only and has no direction

6.4. particle model a simplified version of a motion diagram in which the moving object is replaced by a series of single points