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HUMSS von Mind Map: HUMSS

1. Soc. Sci. 3

1.1. Peer Group

1.2. Lifestyle

1.3. Laws

1.4. Beliefs

1.5. Culture

1.6. Social Role

2. English 4

2.1. Reporting

2.2. Noun

2.3. Pronoun

2.4. Adverbs

2.5. Conjunctions

2.6. Reportings

2.7. Interview

3. Oral Com.

3.1. Reporting

3.2. Communication

3.3. Interview

3.4. Reading

3.5. Impromptu

4. E-Tech

4.1. Typing Master

4.2. Namelist

4.3. Excel

4.4. Microsoft Word

5. Gen. Math

5.1. Logarethmic

5.2. Exponential

5.3. Equations

5.4. Solvings

5.5. Factoring

6. Bible

6.1. Book of Genesis

6.2. Book of Deutronomy

6.3. Reporting

6.4. Ruth

6.5. Role play

6.6. Reporting