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Susan von Mind Map: Susan

1. To have her boyfriend killing her father go so fast

2. Would be happy

2.1. To go back to the past and stop her boyfriend from killing her father

3. Mad

3.1. Her boyfriend killing her father

4. Sad for reader

4.1. She can not register anything because she can not let go of the past

5. Felt unfair

6. Makes her cry

6.1. Her mother telling her that she wants her father to live long and her too.

7. Care

7.1. Her father

7.2. Her mother

7.2.1. To have her father live long

7.2.2. She looked up to her mother

8. Purpose

8.1. creating an original character which i can decide how the story evolves.

9. What she likes

9.1. She loves people who are caring to people who are in special needs

10. What she hates

10.1. She hates cats

10.2. She hates her boyfriend

11. What happened to her when that was heart warming

11.1. Having her kiss her boyfriend for the first time ever

12. What happened to her that she enjoyed

12.1. Her being with her father and mother

12.1.1. She loved it because she loved them both the most

13. Sad for Susan

13.1. Disappointed because she didn’t father