The city of Rome founded in late 7th century BCE

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The city of Rome founded in late 7th century BCE von Mind Map: The city of Rome founded in late 7th century BCE

1. This prompted a civil war, which in turn destroyed the last remnants of the Republic

1.1. An empire was founded in 27 BCE

1.1.1. Caesar is often credited or blamed for the Republic's collapse and the Empire's surfacing

1.1.2. An empire had actually been developing in Rome for many years prior to it's official founding, through the depowering if the Senate, the increase in conquests, it's international prominence and the diversity of it's citizens

1.2. Rome became prosperous in the empire, but it was leading up to its own demise

1.2.1. It's prosperity was largely to due to with it's widespread territories, but over expansion threatened Rome The more that Rome expanded, the more people there were to govern over with the difficulty in keeping track of Rome, it's people and their needs made it easy for rulers to lose touch with their own country

2. Expanded into a city state

2.1. A Roman monarchy was established which would consist of 7 kings

2.1.1. Unrest developed from the Plebian social class, who had been looked down upon and neglected by the wealthy ruling class Roman citizens rebelled against their government and overthrew the 7th king of Rome, the tyrannical Lucius Tarquinius Superbus The Roman republic was founded in c.509 BCE Only the Patricians could take part in government and form the Senate, even in the Republic era The wealthy who had majority power did not care for the Plebeians, who had very little land and had very poor living conditions In turn, the Plebians were not very fond of the ruling class either

3. The citizens of Rome were divided into two social classes: the aristocratic Patricians and the less wealthy Plebians who were the majority

4. Rome began to expand it's territory

4.1. Roman army needed more soldiers

4.1.1. Army general Marius put reforms in place in approximately c.109 BCE to let Plebian soldiers fight in the army, in exchange for giving them much needed land Rome needed more territory to give to retired soldiers Rome expanded significantly in size and gained prominence internationally due to the amount of territory being aquired Roman's citizens began to become more diverse due to the growing size of it and the variety of their conquests These soldiers were not specifically loyal to the Roman government, but to these generals More Plebians were more likely to join the army if it meant they did not have to pledge loyalty to their enemies The Roman army and generals gained significant power with the increase of territory and loyal soldiers The generals's increase of power decreased the influence of the Senate

4.2. Rome became increasingly difficult to govern as it grew larger

5. Accomplished general Julius Caesar ran for co-consul and succeeded in c.59 BCE

5.1. He allied himself with two aristocratic Roman men: wealthy Crassus and powerful general Pompey to gain influence and power

5.1.1. They formed the first triumvirate in c.60 BCE: an informal alliance and sharing of Rome's power This uneasy alliance came to an end when Crassus died in battle and Pompey was competing with Caesar, his now rival, for the "power" Pompey was named consul while Caesar was abroad, and was no longer wanted in a position of Roman power (through allegations of corrupt leadership)

6. The introduction of Christianity also contributed to Rome's downfall

6.1. Emperors became less prominent as Christianity became more prevalent, and then had to compete with Bishops for power

6.1.1. Many decided to follow religion over politics, which created large conflicts, especially when church and state did not agree with each other

6.2. Rome began to weaken, which made it prone to attack

6.2.1. It was eventually was attacked and seized by Germanic King Odacer in c.476 CE, which marked the end of the Roman Empire. Rome had lasted for thousands of years, including it's beginnings as a small monarchial city Even as it came to an end, just as many or all Empires before it, Rome lived on beyond it's political structure - and so did it's legacy