How Sport Reflects Society

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How Sport Reflects Society von Mind Map: How Sport Reflects Society

1. Youth Sport

1.1. Privatization

1.1.1. The youth sports industry is a multi-million dollar industry and every year the cost to enroll a child into a youth league. Not to mention the cost of equipment and travel is growing more and as time moves on.

1.2. Specialization

1.2.1. Athlete's playing from a young age are almost forced to play one sport year round in order to be "developed" and over time can lead to an athlete resenting the sport and leads to burnout.

2. Social Class

2.1. Access to sport

2.1.1. Higher income communities and social classes have more access to sport and therefore more opportunity to connect with their community and have more opportunity to market themselves later their career.

2.2. Power

2.2.1. Communities with more income and come from a higher social class have more power over those with less because they are capable of dictating the way sport and other aspects of the community operate.

3. Violence in Sport

3.1. On the field violence

3.1.1. Violence on the field is not only embraced, but also expected so long as it falls within the rules and flow of the game. If the violence does not fall within the guidelines then the athlete in question will often face backlash. Example of good Ray Lewis and Lawrence Taylor made their careers of being violent and aggressive Example of Bad Myles Garrett when he struck Mason Rudolph with his own helmet

3.2. Off the field violence

3.2.1. Off the field violence is almost never accepted by the fans and even if the fans accept then the coach or head of the team will often dole out punishment "The same thing that gets you drafted to play on Sunday is the same thing that'll get you arrested on Monday."

3.3. Spectator Violence

3.3.1. Spectators can become violent towards the rival team, rival fans, or their own team if they aren't performing to expectations. In doing so they cause brawls, throwing slurs, sometimes property damage as well.

4. Equity/Equality

4.1. Gender/Sexuality

4.1.1. Changing Gender for legitimate reason Athlete's who fight for legitimate gender equality often face backlash from the community in order to get equal rights. Example the female wrestler from Texas who identifies as a man and wants to compete in the male competition has been stonewalled from doing so.

4.1.2. Changing gender to make competition easier Athlete's who change gender to make it easier to succeed in their sport, such as the transgender cyclist, have a distinct biological advantage over their competitors make life more difficult for those who legitimately identify outside of their gender assigned at birth and shouldn't be allowed to do so.

4.2. Impaired/ Disabled

4.2.1. Physical disability Athlete's with a physical disability, such as a missing limb, should be given equal opportunity to compete with their non-impaired competitors but the process should be equitable. For example, an athlete missing a certain limb will make their body weight less than an athlete not missing a limb, giving them an advantage in size outside of said missing limb.

4.3. Racism

4.3.1. Structural Racism In the business side of sports, many managerial and higher up positions, such as head coaching, general managers, and owners of franchises, are targeted to be controlled by white men. While the gap has dropped in recent history, the issue still remains especially in women's sports.

4.3.2. Blatant Racism Less of a discussed topic now, but the act of blatant racism still is an issue for many athlete's competing today.

5. Stereotypes

5.1. Implicit Bias

5.1.1. Everyone has Implicit Bias, many of us just don't know it

5.1.2. This form of bias impacts out subconscious mind and if left unchecked can come out as being discriminatory.

5.2. How Stereotypes impact sport

5.2.1. Often analysts who are revered as geniuses of sport fall back on the idea of bias in order to seem more knowledgeable about a subject when in reality they only use stereotypes portrayed in mass media to make an incorrect assumption. Mel Kiper is one of the biggest users of racial stereotypes when it pertains to the NFL draft. His clearest example is when he said Lamar Jackson wasn't smart enough to be an NFL QB and Baker Mayfield was.

6. Foreign Substances

6.1. Painkillers

6.1.1. The use of painkillers in sport, particularly sports with large amounts of damage done to the human body are often over used to a dangerous extent in the eyes of the medical community Athletes do this to maintain a presence of toughness and to keep up the idea of pain is not more important than the team.

6.2. PED's

6.2.1. While the usage of PED's are prohibited in the context of competition athletes are still known to partake of them in order to achieve a "leg up" on the competition

6.3. Drug Use

6.3.1. While the use of drugs, like PED's are prohibited, if an athlete is good enough the usage of such drugs can be ignored. The clearest of these examples being Lawrence Taylor of the New York Giants

7. Technology In Sport

7.1. Social Media

7.1.1. Athletes and their fans now have more communication than ever which can have positive and negative consequences depending on how it is used Social media can promote an athlete's beneficial exploits and lead to a closer connection with their team and communithy In negative cases such as Antonio Brown, social media can cause a rift between an organization and an athlete or a fan base

7.2. Medical

7.2.1. From injury prevention, to improved performance, even to medical rehabilitation technology has extended the careers and lives of athletes

7.3. Performance

7.3.1. Athletes now train with world class equipment and top of the line gear to get them in the best possible position to succeed

7.4. Preparation

7.4.1. With the addition of digital film participants of a sport can now research their opponent and market themselves to potential teams better than ever before