Who is my Canary? Have meaningful conversations

EMBA McGill-HEC 10th anniversary workshop on Weak Signals - Part 4: Who is my canary: have meaningful conversations

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Who is my Canary? Have meaningful conversations von Mind Map: Who is my Canary? Have meaningful conversations

1. Family

1.1. My teens and their friends

1.2. Your grandparents

1.3. My son

1.4. Mon frere

1.5. Mes enfants

1.6. Les amis de ma fille

1.7. My 17 year old nephew

1.8. Parents/grandparents (mine and others)

1.9. Exchange student living with us

1.10. My wife

2. Accidents de parcours

2.1. Air travel

2.1.1. The stranger you meet at the airport

2.1.2. mon voisin dans l'avion

2.2. Taxi

2.2.1. taxi driver educated in another country

2.2.2. chauffeur de taxi

2.2.3. uber driver

2.3. un inconnu

2.4. old man at the bar

2.5. service people (waiters, concierges)

3. People of renown

3.1. Mark Carney

3.2. Greta Thunberg

3.3. Ray Dalio

3.4. Shane Parrish

3.5. Jay Shetty

3.6. Richard Branson

3.7. Elon Musk

3.8. Chris Hadfield

3.9. Sophie Brochu

3.10. David Goggins

3.11. David Marotte

3.12. Krystine St-Laurent

3.13. Lyne St-Roch

3.14. Nicole Bordeleau

3.15. Yuval Harari

3.16. Winston Churchill (about EU)

3.17. Enediel Gonzalez

4. Challengers

4.1. Someone with whom you strongly disagree

4.2. The nay-sayer in a quiet one-on-one moment

4.3. That person who seems crazy

4.4. Outlier (e.g. Trump)

4.5. Geek on any topic

4.6. The quietest person in the room

4.7. anyone who I never get along with

4.8. Les penseurs apocalyptiques

5. Business

5.1. Ma competition

5.2. Les employes horaires

5.3. New generation of entrepreneurs

5.4. Your receptionist

5.5. My employees

5.6. Mentor/mentee

5.7. Past CEO/Chair

5.8. Mon CEO


6.1. My EMBA Buddies

6.2. Mini-groupes EMBA tous les trois mois

6.3. Les collegues EMBA

6.4. Troy Duazo en Asie (EMBA 2013)

6.5. Romeo Essou a Kigali (EMBA 2019

6.6. EMBA Toastmasters (listen to the stories)

7. Society

7.1. Teachers K-12

7.2. My boyfriend - professor of literature - not in business!

7.3. Parents de l'équipe d'hockey adverse

7.4. Politiciens locaux

7.5. Mon amie réfugiée au Canada

7.6. Les nouveaux arrivants (immigrants)

7.7. Passionate people around you

7.8. personnes âgées

7.9. les jeunes

7.10. adolescents

7.11. people from different cultures

7.12. mes chums de pêche

7.13. people from different demographics

7.14. my friends

7.15. young students

7.16. politicians

7.17. millennials

7.18. quelqu'un qui est condamné

7.19. des gens qui ont du succès dans la vie

8. Not people

8.1. Rap/hip hop lyrics

8.2. Mother nature

8.3. www

8.4. Instagram (instastories

9. Parle-moi de toi