Rethinking walking experience for pet owners based on artificial intelligence

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Rethinking walking experience for pet owners based on artificial intelligence von Mind Map: Rethinking walking experience for pet owners based on artificial intelligence

1. How do the owners walk their dogs?

1.1. Usually in the neigbourhood

1.2. The same path everyday, sometime twice a day

1.3. Some go for a running

2. How to improve it?

2.1. Why Some People Don't Walk Their Dogs

2.2. Finding more enjoyable places to walk

2.3. Setting a concrete plan to walk

2.4. Making walking your dog a habit by setting routines and cues

2.5. Making affirmations of commitment

2.6. Many people don't walk their dog correctly

2.6.1. They go outside when it is too cold or too hot and endanger their animal

2.6.2. They don't understand what their animals want and it often leads to injury for the dog that trigger the leach.

3. How to do it with artificial intelligence?

3.1. AI could create new path and adapt them to the things the pet owner likes

3.1.1. A path is proposed and at the end of the walk you rate it and after a while the AI could give you a perfect fitted path

3.1.2. It could also change the usual path and create new paths when it ddetects that user is bored The user is bored when he doesn't stop anymore

3.2. The AI could adapt to your scheduled and week to give you specialized advices about time and needs

3.2.1. You have been away in a big city for a week: you need a LONG and FULL OF NATURE walk

3.2.2. You did not have a long walk with your pet recently, the AI will remember it to you

3.2.3. Walking your pet can also be like a game and you could be rewarded

3.3. Tha app could notify you non stop until you walk your dog every evening or every two days

3.4. It could also give you advices about the weather

3.5. Connected to the leach it could analyse the dog's needs.

4. How to do it with an app

4.1. An app could reference your connected neighbours and invite you to walk in groups

4.1.1. you can bound with new people and have a more pleasant activity

5. Madness:

5.1. Walk Your Dog TV : TV for Dogs - Virtual Dog Walking at Porthleven

5.1.1. You can now put hololens on your dog's eyes and he walk alone while you are sat in your livingroom

5.2. This seemed to be funny


5.3. If your dog is a robot?

5.3.1. Meet Spot, the robot dog that can run, hop and open doors | Marc Raibert