Innovative educational technologies

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Innovative educational technologies von Mind Map: Innovative educational technologies

1. experience, interact and gain insight into cultural differences in human relationships, behavior and communication

2. A Heuristic is a technique to solve a problem faster than classic methods, or to find an approximate solution when classic methods cannot.

3. Cycle of Inquiry

3.1. Inquiry-based learing

3.1.1. students are encouraged to explore the material, ask questions, and share ideas.

3.1.2. it encourages children’s natural curiosity and sense of wonder about the world around them.

3.2. Inquiry-based teaching strategy

3.2.1. problem statement

3.2.2. data collection

3.2.3. analysis

3.2.4. conclusions

4. Difference between education models in 20th and 21th centuries

4.1. Due to Learning evolution

4.2. There are comparison in: - assessment - centricity - technology use - teaching methodologies - learning styles

4.3. 20th vs 21th

4.3.1. .

5. communication -> consumption -> social learning -> creation, collaboration and sharing

6. .

7. Heuristic technique

8. Team

8.1. According to Belbin:

8.1.1. thinking-oriented roles plant: innovators&ideas monitor evaluator: separate good ideas from bad specialist: skills in a specialist job

8.1.2. action-oriented roles shaper: challange norms, take lead, push team implementer: executors of plans completer finisher: complete the fine details

8.1.3. people-oriented roles coordinator: natural team leaders team worker: diplomats, keep team cogs turning resource investigator: find external resources

8.2. Collaboration

8.2.1. Google Apps in FLC Google Drive Google Docs Google Translate Google Drawing Google Forms Google Presentations Google Spreadsheets Google Sites Google Calendar Google Groups GMail Blogger

8.3. COIL

8.3.1. sharing intercultural skills

8.3.2. increasing the intercultural communication capacity

8.3.3. development digital skills that are key to life in the 21st century

9. Artemiuk Anna, PR-62

10. 4 C's

11. Application of EdTech should facilitate learning

11.1. Learning theories:

11.1.1. Behaviorism

11.1.2. Constructivism

11.1.3. Cognitivism

11.1.4. Connevtivism

12. Mindset plays a great role

12.1. According to Carol Dweck

12.1.1. There are 2 types:

12.2. Your attitude is more important than your intelligence!

12.3. Components of mindset:

12.3.1. emotions

12.3.2. knowledge

12.3.3. opinions

12.3.4. assumptions

13. MALL can be considered an ideal solution to language learning barriers in terms of time and place.

13.1. Advantages

13.1.1. engagement

13.1.2. improvement of skills

13.1.3. game exercises

13.2. Disadvantages

13.2.1. low efficacy of studies

13.2.2. lack of game-based learning pedagogy

13.2.3. some barriers

14. BYOD

14.1. .

15. Artificial Intelligence

15.1. Narrow. Machine Learning

15.1.1. 1 area and 1 problem

15.2. General. Machine Intellegence

15.2.1. as smart as human

15.3. Super. Machine Consciousness

15.3.1. smarter than best brain

15.3.2. Machine Learning

15.4. Types of AI

15.4.1. Natural language processing

15.4.2. Speech

15.4.3. Expert systems

15.4.4. Planning

15.4.5. Robotics

15.4.6. Vision

16. VR

16.1. Theory of VR affordances in learning

16.1.1. Situational Cognition Theory helps to explain the effectiveness of VR learning environments

16.1.2. Situated cognition or situated learning focuses on the whole process of learning, outlines important implications for the design and development of classroom instruction

16.2. Immersive VR may use:

16.2.1. a head-mounted display device

16.2.2. gesture recognition

16.2.3. eye tracking

16.2.4. method of navigation