Branches of Geography

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Branches of Geography von Mind Map: Branches of Geography

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2. Approaches in Human Geography

2.1. behavioralapproaches

2.1.1. You must understand human behavior and its spatial connections, based on two principles   Two main aspects, the first of which is that human behavior is the primary factor in the structure and organization of societies   Population. The second: The nature of human behavior in dealing with the environment in order to organize the place

2.2. Historical approach

2.2.1. Study of human phenomena in different geographical areas during the old time periods to determine the evolution of the past to the present

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5. Human Geography

5.1. Economic Geography

5.1.1. E conomic geographers examine the distribution of production and distribution of goods, the distribution of wealth, and the spatial structure of economic conditions

5.2. Population Geography

5.2.1. It is a science that means highlighting the spatial differences in the distribution, structure, growth and migration of the population, and how they relate to the different nature of places, and it seeks to explain this distribution and these distinctions

5.3. Medical Geography

5.3.1. Geography of Health is the application for geographical information, views and methods used in the study of health, disease and health care.

5.4. Recreation, Tourism, and Sport Geography

5.4.1. Tourism is one of the important bases of the economy of any country, and the greatest witness to its culture, civilization and history.

5.5. Military Geography

5.5.1. It is a branch of geopolitics, concerned primarily with the vital role that spatial and geographical factors play in wars and armed conflicts.

5.6. Political Geography

5.6.1. Political geography is the science concerned with studying political phenomena in its cadastral dimensions

5.7. Agricultural and Rural Geography

5.7.1. As the field cultivation and care, as defined by geographers as the geographical branch that is interested in studying the geographical conditions that affect the distribution of agricultural activity on the land

5.8. Transportation Geography

5.8.1. Transport geography is one of the branches of geography that searches for spatial interactions to be about people and freight and cargo.

5.9. Urban Geography

5.9.1. Urban geography is a branch of human geography and is a newly created branch that studies the urban field and urban architecture. Urban geography means studying the spatial relationships that relate to the study of the urban environment and the population and their relationship to each other with an interest in economic or employment activities and the inner city structure.

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5.12. Physical Geography

5.12.1. another major branch of geography. It is concerned with the natural features on or near the surface of the earth.

5.12.2. Biographers study the geographic distribution of plants and animals on the earth in the subject known as biogeography.

5.13. Biogeography

5.14. Water Resources

5.14.1. The geography of water resources is a branch within the natural regions that are interested in studying the distribution of water covers over the surface of the globe, preserving it from deterioration, depletion and pollution in order to provide the requirements of the present and future generations.

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5.16. Climate

5.16.1. It is one of the branches of natural geography that studies climate, weather, atmosphere, rock and biosphere

5.17. Global Change

5.17.1. Global Change Geographers researching global change explore the long term changes occurring to the plant earth based on human impacts on the environment

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5.20. Geomorphology

5.20.1. It is the science of studying the shape of the Earth

5.21. Hazards Geography

5.21.1. Risks or disasters and they explore human interaction and response to these unusual natural or technological events

5.21.2. They study the development of mountain systems and how humans interact with them

5.22. Mountain Geography

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5.24. Cryosphere Geography

5.24.1. Geographers view the previous distribution of ice on the planet and the ice features caused by glaciers and ice sheets.

5.25. Arid Regions

5.25.1. Arid regions   Geographers study the arid regions of deserts and the dry surfaces of the planet. And the distribution of water in these areas

5.26. Coastal and Marine Geography

5.26.1. Geographers study and research marine environments and how humans interact with them

5.27. Soils Geography

5.27.1. Soil geographers study the upper layer of the lithosphere, the soil, of the earth and its categorization and patterns of distribution.