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COVID-19 von Mind Map: COVID-19

1. Economic impact of the coronavirus on financial markets and vulnerable industries such as manufacturing, tourism, hospitality and travel.

2. More companies are establishing systems that enable staff to work at home, and more workers are getting accustomed to it. “These are habits that are likely to persist"

3. The disadvantage of self-isolation or social lockdown are symptoms of traumatic stress, confusion and anger, all of which are exacerbated by fear of infection, having limited access to supplies of necessities

4. Fear of the unknown can often lead to feelings of panic, psychological stress is often related to a sense of a lack of control in the face of uncertainty.

5. STUDY: cancellation of clases. affect college exchanges. affects people without WiFi access.

6. PERSONAL LIFE: I can not greet another people as before (kisses, high five, hugs). Losing personal, work and family ties through quarantine

7. ENVIRONMENT: decrease gas emissions. It decreases global warming. Improve air quality


9. WORK: I got word from my home and it's difficult for my current job. My salary decreases

9.1. Social distancing and the closure of schools and childcare to combat the spread of coronavirus create additional pressures on working parents


11. The Government must regulate prices for basic necessities, should give more guarantees to health personnel.

12. Some governments have announced economic measures to safeguard jobs, guarantee wages and support the self-employed, but there is a lack of clarity in many countries about how these measures will be implemented and how people will manage a loss of income in the short-term

13. Information updated daily

14. Providing public health messages about how people can self care effective

15. Public order - Social care - Financial system aid and Tax aid Subsidies

15.1. Health measures must be the first priority for governments, business and society. It is important for businesses to show solidarity and work together to protect staff, local communities and customers, as well as keeping supply chains, manufacturing and logistics working

16. Fuente: The Guardian (2020) Cities after coronavirus: how Covid-19 could radically alter urban life - World Economic Forum .