Frequently Asked Fellow Questions

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Frequently Asked Fellow Questions von Mind Map: Frequently Asked Fellow Questions

1. I've got an article the RSA might be interested in

1.1. Check out RSA Comment

1.1.1. Read opinion pieces on topical issues, and watch animations and interviews with world class speakers

1.1.2. Open up the debate by adding your comments on articles and videos

1.1.3. Submit your own comment piece to share your views on issues at the heart of the RSA's mission To help save your time, please read the guidelines first...

2. I've got a talk I would like to give at the RSA

2.1. The RSA lecture programme operates on an invite only basis - generally around the introduction of significant new thinking by recognised thought leaders - if you're on the Amazon top 100 bestseller list you're likely to hear from us

3. I'd like to help drive the RSA forward

3.1. Sign up for Skills Bank

3.2. Get in touch with your local team to hear if they need help

3.2.1. You may eventually be interested in standing for election as a... Fellowship Councillor (regional or at-large) Regional Chair Trustee

4. I've got an idea / project that I would like to get support for from the Fellowship

4.1. I'd like to get people together to discuss something

4.1.1. We have 80+ networks around the world - they may already be covering your subject, in which case, why not join in? I'm all set - thanks! I checked - they're not - my topic is unique Gather a small group of interested Fellows and flesh out your idea - we may be able to provide facilitation for this

4.2. I'd like Fellowship help with my project

4.2.1. We have Fellows around the world who may be able to help - structuring the idea into a format we're used to digesting might help. Great - I just need a few skilled people That's what Skills Bank is for - Get in touch via [email protected] Perfect - how can I get a formal acknowledgement and support for my project - including seed funding, skills etc.? Search RSA Catalyst online

4.3. I'd like the RSA to adopt my idea/project as part of the main research programme

4.3.1. Producing research and reports requires significant resource - RSA Projects are generally externally funded I have funding with me That's great - due to the number of enquiries it'd be extremely helpful if you could express your idea in a format we can easily work with - Catalyst is a good place to start I do not have funding but it is a really great idea Sounds exciting - get it onto a Catalyst form and we promise we'll take a look