Effects of Climate change in Australia

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Effects of Climate change in Australia von Mind Map: Effects of Climate change in Australia

1. The Great Barrier Reef bleaching results in loss of tourism

1.1. Less money coming in

2. Higher sea levels affect coastal cities and towns

2.1. Coastal erosion will be more common

3. The oceans will become acidic on hotter days

3.1. Marin life will suffer

4. Hotter, drier days

4.1. Forests will suffer and dry out

4.2. More chance of having bushfires

5. Rise of temperature results in stronger storm winds

5.1. More cyclones resulting in houses destroyed

6. Higher temperature results in more sever droughts

6.1. Australian animals will suffer from lack of food like tree nutrients

7. Higher chance of floods and droughts

7.1. Farmers will suffer and crops