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Rap von Mind Map: Rap

1. Rapping in Denmark

1.1. The first Danish record was released in 1988

1.2. The most streamet danish artist 2019 was the rapper Gilli

1.3. Den Nye Stil med MC Einar, der sammen med Rockers by Choice blev de største navne i dansk raps første bølge

1.4. The New Style with MC Einar, who together with Rockers by Choice became the biggest names in the first wave of Danish rap

2. Rapping

2.1. Rap occurred in New York in the mid-1970s among African and Latin American youth

2.2. The term rap is an African American slang word of talking or talk

3. Big rappers

3.1. Eminem

3.2. Kayne West

3.3. Jay z

3.4. Snoop Dogg

3.5. Topgunn

3.6. Tupac

3.7. KESI

3.8. Drake

3.9. Gilli