Direct Method - Language teaching

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Direct Method - Language teaching von Mind Map: Direct Method - Language teaching

1. Students' role

1.1. Students figure out the rules for themselves

1.2. Students should be trained to see the world through the lens of the target language

1.3. Students do a lot of talking, gesturing, acting and interacting

1.4. Students are actively engaged in the different classroom activities

2. Disadvantages

2.1. Inconvenient in a huge class

2.2. Supports only limited vocabulary

2.3. Does not teach grammar systematically

2.4. Less suitable for slow learners, who struggle with this method

3. Advantages

3.1. Facilitates alertness and participation of students

3.2. Makes use of audio-visual aids and also facilitates reading and writing

3.3. Develops listening, speaking, reading

3.4. Improves fluency of speech


5. Teachers' role

5.1. The teacher works by giving students simple inputs that they can actually use to figure things out

5.2. The teacher makes direct connections between the image and the concept for the students

5.3. Teachers must give plenty of material to work with to the students

6. Common Activities

6.1. The teacher explains new vocabulary using realia, visual aids or demonstrations.

6.2. Question/answer exercise

6.3. Conversation practice

6.4. Reading aloud

7. Characteristics

7.1. It was established in England around 1900

7.2. It was developed as a reaction to the grammar translation method

7.3. The direct method is also known as “the natural method”

8. Principles

8.1. Language is learned inductively

8.2. Only the target language is used

8.3. Speaking and listening skills are a priority