Steps to an Approach- Marcus

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Steps to an Approach- Marcus von Mind Map: Steps to an Approach- Marcus

1. Take Control

1.1. New node

1.1.1. Picture/Video/Script

1.2. New node

1.2.1. Picture/Video/Script

1.3. New node

1.3.1. Picture/Video/Script

1.3.2. New node

2. Select the Appropriate Approach

2.1. New node

2.1.1. Picture/Video/Script

2.2. New node

2.2.1. Picture/Video/Script

2.3. New node

2.3.1. Picture/Video/Script

3. Focus the Approach on the Customer

3.1. When the customer arrives

3.1.1. Picture/Video/Script

3.2. Allow customer to come into store first and then approach

3.2.1. Picture/Video/Script

3.3. Make yourself visible so they don't have to hunt for you

3.3.1. Picture/Video/Script

4. Use the Customer's Name

4.1. New node

4.1.1. Picture/Video/Script

4.2. New node

4.2.1. Picture/Video/Script

4.3. New node

4.3.1. Picture/Video/Script