Lesson 5: Globalization and Modern Issues

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Lesson 5: Globalization and Modern Issues von Mind Map: Lesson 5: Globalization and Modern Issues

1. Pros

1.1. helps to connect people

1.2. issues can be solved around the world

1.3. people have more access to information

2. Increased Migration and Diffusion

2.1. travel is easier and more efficient

2.1.1. airplane

2.2. increased diversity all over the world

2.3. diffusion discussed more in lesson 3

3. Political Globalization

3.1. spreading issues and influence such as human rights and the effects of different forms of governments

3.2. United Nations

3.2.1. help to maintain international peace

3.2.2. works toward sustainablilty being able to support growth without causing any major problems

4. Globalization

4.1. the process in which places around the world become more connected and intertwined

4.1.1. cultures and practices can merge together and share ideas

4.1.2. multinational corporations- companies with locations and headquarters in more than one country

4.1.3. Centripetal Forces- factors that bring people together religion or ancestry

4.1.4. Centrifugal Forces- factors that push people apart physical barriers like mountains or rivers

4.1.5. Intervening Opportunity- an opportunity closer to you decreases the benefits of opportunities farther away

4.1.6. Intervening Obstacle- something in the way of reaching your destination or end goal many migrants face these types of obstacles when trying to migrate to new countries

5. Cons

5.1. cultures lose their identity as they conform to new global norms

5.2. one country's problem can become the world's problem

5.3. only the rich get richer while the poor get poorer

6. Distance Decay- places tha are farther apart will ahve less interaction

6.1. affects small and poor countries more because they don't have the technology needed to develop and globalize

6.2. Tobler's Law- everything is related, but closer things are more related the distant things

6.3. Time Space Convergence

6.3.1. places are brought closer together are the travel time between them decreases

7. Global Economy

7.1. increased and makes trade between nations easier

7.1.1. countries lower taxes on imported goods, called tariffs