Elmo farts

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Elmo farts von Mind Map: Elmo farts

1. Kermit RUNS

1.1. Went into the water

1.2. Splash water at himself

1.3. Breathes underwater for 1 hour

1.4. Face even more green

1.5. The gas make his stomach bloated

1.6. Looks fat

1.7. People thinks he's shrek so run away!

1.8. Poor kermit!

2. Cookie monster ran away

2.1. Find cookie

2.2. Cookie treasure hunt

2.3. Try to breathe out all the poisonous gases

2.4. Go forest for fresh air

2.5. Poor cookie!

3. Elmo

3.1. Don't know what to do

3.2. Panicked

3.3. Ran out of school

3.4. Cry

3.5. Needs a counsellor

3.6. Needs a professional doctor

3.7. Poor Elmo!

4. Ernie fainted

4.1. Need hospital to come and rescue

4.2. Too much carbon dioxide and rare gas

4.3. No enough oxygen

4.4. Minor asthma

4.5. Poor ernie!

5. Gogo coughs

5.1. Runs away at the same time

5.2. Teacher thought he play truant

5.3. Punished by teacher

5.4. Poor gogo!

6. Whole school


6.2. Avoids elmo

6.3. Blames elmo