article scientific(vaccines)

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article scientific(vaccines) von Mind Map: article scientific(vaccines)

1. We have all heard of vaccines

2. vaccines serve to save from infectious diseases

3. Vaccination is one of humanity's most important medical advances

4. we are fortunate to have this tool to avoid

5. In 1796

6. the English doctor Edward Jenner carried out the first vaccination in history

7. Vaccines help our body prepare for a disease

8. yes not are applied vaccines the children they can get sick seriously

9. Pasteur introduced the terms of vaccination and vaccination

10. Vaccines are useful and save lives.

11. They protect against diseases such as sarampión, paperas, rubéola, hepatitis B, polio, tétanos and others

12. The first vaccine in history was discovered by the English rural doctor Edgard Jenner in 1796

13. the first vaccine was against viruela

14. Immunizations or vaccines are essential

15. the vaccine triggers a response from the immune system and immunity

16. there is vaccines mandatory