Creating a Mind Map

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Creating a Mind Map von Mind Map: Creating a Mind Map


1.1. EDIT a text balloon: 1. Double click text balloon 2. Make desired changes

1.2. REMOVE a text balloon: 1. Click balloon 2. Hit DELETE key

1.3. To MOVE a text balloon: 1. Click 2. Drag

2. TAB key creates new text balloon 1. Hit TAB key 2. Key desired text

2.1. 3. Hit ENTER to save balloon 4. Hit ENTER again to create the next text balloon, tied to the same original

3. TAB key creates new text balloon 1. Hit TAB key 2. Key desired text

3.1. 3. Hit TAB key to save ballon AND create new text balloon tied to current


5. >>type>ENTER

6. TAB > type >TAB>>

6.1. >>type>ENTER