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Constructivism von Mind Map: Constructivism

1. Learning Theories

1.1. Behaviorism

1.2. Maturationism

1.3. Constructivism

2. Environmental Equivalence

2.1. evolution

2.2. learning

2.3. organisms create their environment

3. Biological Equilibration

3.1. the process

3.2. new perspectives

3.3. change in environment to survive

4. Dissipative Structures

4.1. cells live, evolve, and flouris

4.2. open system that maintains itself

4.3. produce new forms of order

5. Transition Zones

5.1. bifurcations

5.2. novel structures

6. Emergence to Complex Systems: Second order coupling

6.1. continually create or re-create

6.2. transforming or replacing components

6.3. create their own environment

7. Diversity and Deselection

7.1. bi-directonal

7.2. evolving to more or less complexity

7.3. isolation=entropy

7.4. natural selection

8. Cognitive Eluilibration

8.1. under construction

8.2. self-regulated behavior

8.3. assimilation, interactions between two logical ideas, and differentiation and the integration.

9. Structures

9.1. wholeness

9.2. transformation

9.3. self-regulation

10. Mind, Consciousness, and Language

10.1. spontaneous

10.2. specific

11. Inner Speech

11.1. tool for thinking

11.2. spontaneous concepts

11.2.1. concept-in-itself

11.2.2. concept-for others

12. Role of Representation

13. Application of Constructivism to Education

13.1. learning is development

13.2. errors are important for learning

13.3. explore and generate possibilities

13.4. development of structures

13.5. learners in charge of their own learning