Interdisciplinary Connections

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Interdisciplinary Connections von Mind Map: Interdisciplinary Connections

1. Social Studies

1.1. Lesson 1

1.1.1. Students will think about the social/cultural influence of Christo and Jeanne Claude's large scale artwork.

1.2. Lesson 2

1.2.1. As a society, why should we recycle?

1.2.2. Effectiveness of collaboration in artwork making a social statement (i.e. AIDS quilt)

1.3. Lesson 3

1.3.1. Underwater sculptures as a source of tourism for scuba divers.

1.4. Lesson 4

1.4.1. Should certain landmarks be preserved by society or allowed to change with nature?

1.5. Lesson 5

1.5.1. Religious/Cultural significance of Mandalas.

2. Math

2.1. Lesson 2

2.1.1. Data regarding recycling

2.2. Lesson 3

2.2.1. Hyperbolic Crocheted Coral Reef

3. Science

3.1. Lesson 2

3.1.1. Recycling Facts

3.2. Lesson 3

3.2.1. Artificial Coral Reefs

3.2.2. Hyperbolic Coral Reef Project Bleached Coral Ocean Pollution Global Warming

3.3. Lesson 4

3.3.1. Effects of erosion on the Spiral Jetty

3.3.2. The Changing water levels of the Great Salt Lake

4. English/Language Arts

4.1. Lesson 1

4.1.1. Students will write what the words collaboration/temporary mean to them

4.2. Lesson 2

4.2.1. Students will write a paragraph on how they believe artwork can make a social statement, like in the AIDS quilt.

4.3. Lesson 4

4.3.1. Class Debate: creating or judging an argument for or against the preservation of temporary art.

4.4. Lesson 5

4.4.1. Students will be able to articulate the meaning and methods in creating their own artwork.