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Keyboarding von Mind Map: Keyboarding

1. There are many steps on how to make all sorts of formal writting formats. You may not know but there is a right way to right a E-mail

2. Memo

2.1. How to right a memo right with no mess-ups

2.1.1. name in the middle of the screen at the top of the memo is NOT double spaced TO: tab, FROM: tab, DATE: tab, then SUBJECT 1 space

3. E-Mail

3.1. How to right a E-mail

3.1.1. At the top of the E-mail state the name of the person that you are sending it to. You dont need to double space but you can if you want to. at the end of the e-mail state your name and then you are dont

4. Letter

4.1. How to format a letter right

4.1.1. Quadruple spaced in between the return address and the letter address

4.2. 2" From the top Margin

4.2.1. 12 point font with Times New Roman, with 2" top Margin and 1" side margins.

5. Report

5.1. Last name in the upper right hand conner, number the pages at the top after last name

5.1.1. 2" Top Margin EVERYTHING is double spaced New node

6. Microtype is a good way to get you speed and skill up.

6.1. New node